(Mr. Ghulam Ahmad Reshi (“Ahmad Kashmiri”), 43, was born in Tangmarg. He attended the Government Middle School Kunzar, and completed his higher secondary education from the Government Higher Secondary School in Chandilora, Magam. Mr. Reshi attended the Government Degree College, Bemina, and received his graduate degrees B.Sc. and B.Pharma from the University of Kashmir, followed by the Post-Graduate Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication (PGJMC) from the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). Mr. Reshi is a teacher by profession, and enjoys creative writing.)
Provide us Drinking Water
Dear editor
Up till recently the water of Nallah Ferozpora in Tangmarg was used directly for drinking as it was considered as naturally safe for drinking. But now the time has reached when many villages are running high and dry for the scarcity of it as the water supply schemes are worst hit.
Gonipora water supply scheme has remained the mere name for the pipeline that runs through these villages and is guarded by employees of public health engineering. The inhabitants of the villages that depend on Gonipora Water Supply Scheme do not get any water whatsoever, not to speak of
the portable drinking water.
The populace of the villages like Chanpora-Kunzar, Gonipora, Takiya and Kassayee mohalla has been running from pillar to post to get hold of the concerned officers in the PHE department to share their miseries. Though the officers gave a patient enough to listen, but they did nothing to address these issues.
People especially patients, old aged and children have been suffering for last few days for drinking water. The “Gonipora water supply scheme”, in itself is a joke, for the reason that there neither any filtration plant nor is any reservoir there to keep the water stored.
Instead, of resolving the issue, our supply pipes have been dipped into Nallah Ferozpora and the water running into the Nallah enters these pipes and reaches the villagers in the name of drinking water.
The hallmark of the situation is that many consumers in these villages possess registered water connections and pay the subscribed water fee to the department.
In fact there has been lot of uncontrolled digging in the Nallah Ferozpora for last several years. The residents expressed surprise for they failed to understand that why after all the authorities do not do the needful and why consumers who pay their fee suffer for want of this basic necessity. The people have demanded for construction of a filtration plant/ reservoir at a higher place for the safe drinking water. The populace of these villages have threatened that if the water supply is not restored that will be forced to come out on roads and approach the consumer court.
Bankers, Borrowers at Fault; Guarantors Exploited Socially!!!
The loan systems of the banks have resulted in the trouble of thousands of people who stand third party guarantors to these loans lend by the banks to different persons, parties and the institutions. Some people who are associated with the bank believe that the economic development is reinforced or to say strengthened by the dispensation of credit. But I believe that such type of development and credit system which lacks inbuilt and automated loan security system has rendered guarantors in trouble and desperation which does not implement any moral obligations and is bound to become counter productive someday. Though numerous people who as guarantors have been suffering for years now yet there is a dire need for giving knowledge and appraisal to general masses, also there is scope for a possible debate on the issue with regard to various dimensions of it.
“According to “Bank Norms “there are usually three parties in the contract of guarantee: Creditor/Banker, Principal Borrower and the Guarantor. Contract of Guarantee is complete when the Guarantors execute a deed of Guarantee on Non Judicial stamp paper of requisite value. The deed should be attested by a Notary Public and adhesive stamp of requisite value is affixed thereon.
The bank can proceed against the guarantor without proceeding against the principal borrower. The liability of the Guarantor is independent of borrower’s liability. In case where there is one borrower and he has died prior to institution of the suit, suit has been filed against a dead person; the suit abates to the extent of the borrower it survives in respect of Guarantors.
Lien empowers the bank with a qualified right to exercise over all the monies of the borrower which come into any account and can set off this amount with their outstanding. The banker is constrained to lay its hands on the guarantors account and exercise lien, what in borrowers language called, ‘account has been frozen.”