“History repeats itself, that’s one of the things that’s wrong with history.” -Clarence Darrow

European Union Parliament Resolution on Kashmir (24th May 2007)

by | Nov 21, 2007 | Blog

“Resolution on Kashmir: overwhelming backing from the European Parliament”

Strasbourg, 24th May 2007

Press Release from Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in Europe (ALDE)

Kashmir: European Parliament calls for confidence building measures before plebisciteBaroness Nicholson of Winterbourne (UK, Lib Dem) welcomed the overwhelming support (522 in favour, 9 against and 19 abstentions) from Parliament for her report on the present situation and future prospects for Kashmir which was approved today in Strasbourg.

The report is directed primarily at the governments either side of the Line of Control (India and Pakistan) to pursue the bilateral talks which were temporarily suspended last year following the Mumbai bombings and to explore options for increased self-governance, free movement and demilitarisation. However the report suggests that the preconditions for holding the long-promised plebiscite on final status do not yet exist. Instead it calls on the international community and parties concerned to boost confidence-building measures in the region in areas like tourism, environmental action, trade and academic exchange.

The report notes the extensive damage, both to infrastructure and human life, of the October 2005 earthquake which left 17,000 children dead and hospitals, schools and buildings in ruins. The humanitarian disaster compounded the problems of the region already weakened by conflict and terrorism, further undermining stability and security and fuelling organised crime and activity of terrorist cells.

Baroness Nicholson, commented after the vote:

“I am pleased by the overwhelming backing from the Parliament for this report as well as the messages of support from Kashmiris and others including Imran Khan and Benazir Bhutto.”
“The European Union has a strategic and growing interest in the region and although it has no specific mandate to intervene, it can engage constructively through solutions that have been effective in resolving conflicts in Europe’s own turbulent past.”

“The report rightly highlights the important peace process that India and Pakistan have now undertaken, which is essential for Kashmiris to have hope for a better future. One of the keys to this is the opening up of opportunities for trade which makes the commitment given by all South Asian states within SAARC to pursue the goal of a South Asia Free Trade Area so vital.”
For more information please contact:Neil Corlett: +33-3-88 17 41 67 or +32-478-78 22 84also consult: http://www.alde.eu/

European Parliament

Resolution on Kashmir

European Parliament resolution of 24 May 2007 on Kashmir: Present Situation and Future Prospects (2005/2242(INI))