“History repeats itself, that’s one of the things that’s wrong with history.” -Clarence Darrow

Protecting Horticulture Industry from Vagaries of Weather

by | May 10, 2010 | Blog

The Rising Kashmir argues that given its importance in the economy of the State, concrete measures are needed to prevent it from risks that arise because of weather or natural calamities

Horticulture Sector

The horticulture season is about to start and with experts and growers in unison projecting a bumper crop, the coming months are, presumably, hectic for farmers as well as food processing units. The recent spell of rains has, however, cast a spell of doubt on the ‘bumper crop’ as experts opine that recurrence of scab disease is likely to make a comeback because of continued rains. The cold climate followed by rains and again by high temperature of 26-27c is likely to tell upon the marketability of the fruits, according to experts.

The growers’ apprehensions that horticulture and allied departments are not acting as whistle blowers and aren’t taking appropriate steps for checking the incidence of scab needs are well grounded given the past track record of the agencies and institutions concerned with the horticulture sector. Now given the importance of the sector in the economy of the State, concrete measures are needed to prevent it from risks that arise because of weather or natural calamities, lack of adequate infrastructure, marketing and others. It is a good sign that SKUAST-K is trying to get out of the academic discourse and move from laboratories to fields. Horticulture forms the fundamental strength of the rural economy of the State and with a yearly turnover of around Rs 2000 crore, it provides direct and indirect employment to more than 23 lakh persons.

The State is endowed with rich horticulture products like apple, cherry, almond, walnut, plum, strawberry, apricot, saffron etc and among these cherry, walnut, almond and saffron are the monopoly products. Over the last two years there has been a lot of talk about the horticulture sector of the State. The growth of food processing sector in the Valley during the recent years makes one convinced that the sector holds great promise. J&K has a tremendous diversity in climate and physiogynamic factors that equip the region with the kind of ‘niche’ to grow wide range in many cases of unique type of horticulture products. The food processing industry showing signs of growth is totally dependent on the fruit and vegetables that are produced in the valley. Taking a lackadaisical approach won’t only tell upon the primary sector but will also hurt the subsidiary industrial sectors like food processing that has the chance to emerge as one of the sunrise industries in Kashmir.

The government has done very little for the development of horticulture market and food processing sector and with trade terms easing thing are going to get tougher. Given the geographical disadvantages of the state of J&K vis-à-vis other Indian states that are close to consumption markets need to be addressed through technology intervention like cold storages and compressed atmosphere stores. Now is the right time for laying stress on product quality including grading, packaging, branding as big brands are likely to make a big impact in the fresh vegetables, fruits and other allied markets in India. E-trading of the produce by the growers that has been quite successful among growers in Himachal Pradesh is yet to take shape in the State. Let every stake holder capitalise this potential in right earnest.