Iqbal conveys the sad news
(Mr. Iqbal Ahmad, 48, was born in Parigam Chek, Kulgam. He is a graduate with Diploma in Numismatics, Archaeology and Heritage. He is an archaeologist, writer, and a cultural historian. He is employed by the Jammu and Kashmir State Government. Mr. Iqbal Ahmad has published 12 reference books on Kashmir archaeology and heritage.)
Ancient Springs of South Kashmir are Dying
Scarcity of water is one of the grave problems in many parts of India. There are certain such areas where people have to still wonder for drops of the water during the times when seasonal monsoons are delayed. The shortage of water is more serious in the peninsula region of India.
No doubt that government of India has taken up integrated water conservation schemes to conserve the little water sources available in these areas. But the fact I remains that the sources of water in these regions are extremely scarce. When we talk of our state of Jammu and Kashmir, We all knew that things in Kashmir are quite different. Generally the shortage of water is no such grave problem here because nature has bestowed this glorious valley with plenty of water sources. To quote a poet, he says,
rastay mein sangrazu nay deya pani mujay
zara zara ha meray kashmir ka mehman nawaz
(Even tiny pebbles gave me water in the way, every thing welcomed me in Kashmir)
Infact there is no lack of natural water sources. God has been so kind to this land and its people that it is able to welcome its guests with its perennial water fountains. Apart from snowfields and glaciers, the valley of Kashmir is treasure of the underground wonderful water sources which provide the required water facilities to its people with its natural openings. These are called locally nag and nagin (the major and little Spring). These springs are mostly found in the villages of south Kashmir where there is hardly any village where one does not found any nag or nagin. These sources are more significant in the sense that here People have to spend nothing to get the naturally purified water. Interestingly these springs supply cool waters in hot summers and warm water in cold winters.
These springs constitute our wonderful heritage where we need no alternative water heating and cooling technologies because nature has already done it for us. Although nature has been so kind but we are the people who have proved to be the main destroyer of this natural water source heritage, infact have lost number of glorious village springs while many springs are fastly dying.The state government authorities have totally ignored these little sources , they do not pay any attention towards these village springs. They formulate and execute major conservation plans for bigger projects, like Dal and Wullar Lakes. Ironically crores of rupees are yearly been spent in conservation of these major water bodies but what are the results? The volume of water and the length of these sources have been considerably decreasing. The local media has also been reporting stories about the dying of major water bodies but it also never highlighted the problems faced by our little village water sources. Not only the government authorities the local village people have also turned indifferent to their glorious springs, they do not preserve their village springs. Several of these springs are filled with unwanted wastes but there is no body to clean up these springs. At several places the spring lands have been filled with soil and its lands used for other purposes.
The scores of ancient springs of Kashmir valley are fast dying due to public and government apathy. one such evidence of grave negligence can be experienced at Zainapora Shopian, where the famous ancient spring of Nilnag is breathing its lost and state authorities of water conservation body as well as the people of Zainapora area have became mere spectators of this dying water body.
Nilnag is one of the ancient springs situated in between the villages of Zainapur and Hafsheermal in southern Kashmir. It has been the deepest spring of this area and served as the major irrigating and drinking source to the dozens of villages of Zainpur. Besides it was once the main picnic spot of the area where the neighboring school children used to go for their picnics and enjoyed the beauty of its green waters. However the site has almost lost its pristine glory, the spring has been dying fastly. It has become a dumpage,and the waste of standing olden trees falling in its waters have filled its depth and shrieked its outlet. The spring which once rose in green waters nowadays has turned a simple dirty well.
As per reports the spring has not been cleaned of its dirt and dumping since from decades together, neither the district administration nor its neighbors have any modesty to even clean the spring from its tree wastes. Infect the spring has lost its glorious waters and is dying fastly. Experts view if steps are not taken at an earliest, we may lost one anther small water body.
It is in place to mention here that this Nilnag is also recorded in the folk lore of this land. A curious legend states that once a Hindu priest who arrived at this spring desired to measure the depth of its waters. For this purpose he sat on its bank and prepared a long rope. He attached a stone on the one end of the rope and then threw it in its waters; the attached stone is learnt did not touch the ground of the spring. But these days the spring not only has lost its historic depth but volume of its pure waters as well.