“History repeats itself, that’s one of the things that’s wrong with history.” -Clarence Darrow

An Inspiring Story of a Young Lad

by | Nov 8, 2008 | Blog

Musavirr narrates the story of a young man with a “Can DO” attitude

(Mr. Musavirr Wani, 27, was born in Srinagar and attened the Burn Hall School. He graduated from the Meerut University and joined the Kashmir Times as a reporter. Loves driving his car and surfing internet to seek out workshops and fellowships so that he can travel and present the true picture of Kashmir.)

Fighting a battle alone: He lost his leg in cross-firing but refuses to give up

Srinagar: He does not let disability overcome him nor he considers it his “helplessness”. Brave and daring, Haji Muzaffar has proved his worth as much as he could and has enrolled himself in a professional college.

Pinning high hopes on his future, he is trying to get Andolite (artificial limb) sanctioned in his favour. Muzaffar a second year student pursuing a diploma course in Civil Engineering in KG Polytechnic, Gogji Bagh has not let disability overshadow his talent and capabilities though somewhere deep down he does feel a little let down.

Muzaffar was like other normal child till in the year 1994 a bullet pierced his right leg as a result of cross firing and the whole world around him changed abruptly. Remembering that episode might be quite painful for Muzaffar but he sounded bold while narrating the entire scene without apparently having any grudges or complains.

He was a student of fourth standard when he met with this “accident”. In his words, “I was studying in my room in the first floor of the house and all of a sudden there were few gun shots. Hearing the gun shots I rushed downstairs. The moment I reached there, a bullet pierced my right leg and I got the feeling as if the entire world around turned topsy-turvy,” Muzaffar narrated.

Gearing up courage later, he fought out his disability courageously and his family too supported him in this. After completing his schooling from Anantnag, his hometown, he joined the professional course of engineering. “I was guided by my teacher and supported by my parents to join the course. It is because of their support and guidance that I have reached this stage and if things go well I have high expectations from life,” he added.

“I do not want to be a “bojh” (burden) on any one. I want to be self dependent. We too have wishes, aims and dreams. Like others we too want to become doc tors or engineers. Only thing is that we want a supportive atmosphere to express our voice and to exhibit our talent,” he stated. Muzaffar however, is in need of Andolite (an artificial limb) that according to him costs Rs. 3.50 lakh which his family can not afford and he looks for a support in this respect. He believes that the same, if provided, could make a lot of difference to him. It, he said, would help him in making his work easier and life a bit comfortable. “I want some one to help me in this regard as my family is not financially that much sound which could bear the expense of such a facility that could help me in mitigating the problems that I usually face and that have now become a part of my life. Though I had myself, on individual basis, tried for this facility from the Social Welfare Department but unfortunately could not avail the facility,” he admitted.

He wishes to go for further studies, (to pursue a degree in M. Tech) in case he fails to get a job after completing his studies in the college. He, however, is optimistic about his future and wants to explore the capabilities bestowed upon him by Almighty in whatever way he can.