by Kashmir Forum | Nov 11, 2011 | Blog
Editorial in the Kashmir Monitor highlights the strength of land mafia-politician nexus in Srinagar, KashmirWoes of CommercializationThe mushrooming of shopping complexes and business centres across the summer capital of Jammu and Kashmir even in the residential areas... by Kashmir Forum | Nov 2, 2011 | Blog
Saleem expresses hope that city planners (in this case, the Srinagar Development Authority) will hear him – but in a city of a million without any traffic lights, crossing zones or dedicated footpaths, is he dreaming or what?(Mr. Mohammad Saleem Beg, 60, was... by Kashmir Forum | Nov 2, 2011 | Blog
Najib says at the core is a humanitarian problem that unfortunately is overwhelmed by secondary issues that have turned the Jammu-Kashmir issue into a resource and land grabbing exercise between two neighboring countries(Sardar Muhammad Najib, 33, was born in... by Kashmir Forum | Nov 2, 2011 | Blog
Basharat updates on the court proceedings dealing with the most prominent case among the 174 illegal recent construction cases in Pahalgam (only 3 recent constructions have been legal). The case against the Grand Mumtaz Hotel demonstrates the growing nexus among land... by Kashmir Forum | Nov 2, 2011 | Blog
Altaf says that growing population of stray dogs is yet another manifestation of the Kashmiri culture of keeping their interiors clean at the expense of exteriors where all kinds of home garbage is dumped (Mr. Altaf Bashir, 23, was born in Habba Kadal, Srinagar. He...