by Kashmir Forum | Aug 22, 2010 | Blog
Sajjad presents a comprehensive history of Shia faith in Kashmir, noting that it too has suffered as a minority(Mr. Sajjad Haider, 45, was born in Srinagar. He completed his high school and college education in Srinagar, graduating from the Sri Pratap College. He... by Kashmir Forum | Aug 19, 2010 | Blog
Three perspectives on the toll that current turmoil is taking on Kashmiris and KashmirEducation in Danger (Editorial in the Rising Kashmir)So far, the official as well as separatist response to the need of sustaining education has lacked both reason and commitment.... by Kashmir Forum | Aug 19, 2010 | Blog
Syeda departs from valley’s “set narrative” to describe the Kashmir situation with a fresh perspective(Ms. Syeda Afshana, 35, was born in Srinagar. She attended the Vishwa Bharti High School in Rainawari, Srinagar, and the Government Women’s... by Kashmir Forum | Aug 19, 2010 | Blog
Which came first – anarchy or autocracy? Javid would rather focus on the latter. But his point about economic dole is right on the mark(Dr. Javid Iqbal, 64, was born in Srinagar. He attended the D.A.V. School, Srinagar, and graduated in Medicine from the... by Kashmir Forum | Aug 19, 2010 | Blog
Shafi Pandit proposes descrete actions to arrest the alienation in Kashmir, but ignores how political and religious minorities will be heard in the process(Mr. Mohammad Shafi Pandit, 65, was born in Srinagar. After attending the National High School, he completed his...