by Kashmir Forum | Apr 20, 2009 | Blog
Mr. Qalander is seeking patrons within state bureaucracy when he should be asking for dismantling of the “License Raj”‘Decadent industrial culture’ led to Kashmir business downfall: FCIKSrinagar: The industrial sector in Kashmir has reached to its nadir,... by Kashmir Forum | Apr 20, 2009 | Blog
Fayaz conducts a prognosis of the new State administrationEvaluating performanceFayaz Malik (Rising Kashmir)As Omar Abdullah government in Jammu and Kashmir completes 100 days in office, it is customary for both print and electronic media to present before its readers... by Kashmir Forum | Apr 20, 2009 | Blog
Abid reports on a seminar that emphasized the role of the civil society in maximizing benefits under the RTI Act(Mr. Abid Bashir Wani, 27, was born in Srinagar. He attended the National School, Srinagar, and went for college studies to the Government Degree College,... by Kashmir Forum | Apr 20, 2009 | Blog
While Kashmir consumes Rs 270 Crores worth of carbonated drinks and juices annually, local drinks have only 2% market share Indigenous Industry Lacks Highly Sophisticated Marketing Approaches to Grow Local BrandsSrinagar: The consumption of carbonated and... by Kashmir Forum | Apr 20, 2009 | Blog
17th century monastery may go from World Heritage Sites’ listHemis Gumpha In Ladakh On Verge Of CollapseSrinagar: Due to poor maintenance by the Archeological Survey of India, the 17th century Hemis Gumpha in Ladakh is likely to be dropped from the list of World...