Playing the Extremist Game

Shuhab believes that by playing the Islamic card, PDP has plunged into a whole new ocean of problems and prospects (Shuhab Hashmi, 38, was born in Baramulla, and graduated from the Degree College in Sopore, and completed his M.A. from the University of Kashmir. He is...

The State of Denial

Razdan recounts ground realities in the present day valley that are conveniently ignored by the Kashmiri intelligentsia(Mr. P. N. Razdan, 69, was born and raised in Srinagar. He completed his master’s degree in Statistics from the Patna university and joined the...

The Quantity Gained is the Quality Lost

We called it once the “dirty little secret” of the Education Department because of the sheer size of B. Ed production factory in Kashmir.B Ed BluesAny wrong practice in B Ed colleges can bring disrepute to the institution of education in KashmirThe...

A City Where Government is Equally to Blame

From police headquarters to museum complex none have building permissions‘Illegal’ sarkari buildings galore in capitalM. Hyderi (Greater Kashmir)Srinagar: Believe it or not, the state government has “illegally” constructed several multi-storied buildings in the city,...

Paradise (about to be) Lost?

A grim reminder of how public indifference, official malfeasance and gun culture is slowly destroying the beauty of KashmirGreen future of Kashmir under threatIndia’s ‘paradise’ — Kashmir — is threatening to lose its charming picture postcard beauty. The danger has...