Public Gets What Public Wants

An Editorial in the Kashmir Images puts the blame for corruption entirely on the bureaucracy when in fact general public shares part of the blameFor how long…? Nothing seems to work here in this God-forsaken land. Each field and every sphere of human activity here is...

When Radio Kashmir Symbolized Kashmiri Psyche

Afshana notes that passing away of Machama symbolizes a loss beyond merely a Radio Kashmir artist named Pushkar Bhan(Ms. Syeda Afshana, 34, was born in Srinagar. She attended the Vishwa Bharti High School in Rainawari, Srinagar, and the Government Women’s...

Recalling Joys of the First Snowfall of the Season

Zahid recalls of times when the first flakes of winter re-invigorated our souls(Mr. Z. G. Mohammad, 59, was born and raised in Srinagar. He earned his Master’s degree in English literature from the Kashmir University and has completed a course in Mass...

One For Our Agrarian Roots

Musavirr provides a friendly reminder that most Kashmiris live off the land(Mr. Musavirr Wani, 27, was born in Srinagar and attened the Burn Hall School. He graduated from the Meerut University and joined the Kashmir Times as a reporter. Loves driving his car and...

Unraveling American Intentions

Riyaz offers his perspective, but one can also argue that American efforts to mainstrean Hurriyat into relevance have been resisted by separatists(Mr. Riyaz Masroor, 36, was born and raised in Srinagar. He is a Srinagar based journalist who writes in English, Urdu and...